
Med en bachelor i filmregi fra Westerdals, har jeg hatt regi på flere forskjellige kortfilmer

Ingen Vei Tilbake - 2023
Pontiac - 2019
Befrielsen - 2022


Jeg har gjort lite og stort på andre produksjoner

An electric drone hovering over the Lofoten islands
An electric drone hovering over the Lofoten islands

Produksjonsleder og researcher

Flying Green
FBI: International


A logo for the company Bearhug and the TV-show FBI: International season three
A logo for the company Bearhug and the TV-show FBI: International season three

Kortfilm, regiassistent

A behind the scenes photo of a man holding a fishing net talking to a woman looking at her phone
A behind the scenes photo of a man holding a fishing net talking to a woman looking at her phone
UFC Journey

Juniorprodusent Oslo-opptak

The logo for the episode of UFC: Journey where Jack Hermansson meets with Joe Pyfer
The logo for the episode of UFC: Journey where Jack Hermansson meets with Joe Pyfer